¿What is diabetic retinopathy?
It is a disease that causes blurred vision and blindness due to microhemorrhage, as well as deposits of lipids and proteins in the retina.
¿What causes diabetic retinopathy?
Diabetes is the cause of this disease. Over time, diabetes causes blood vessels to weaken throughout the body including the eyes; as a result, the body attempts to grow new ones. Unfortunately, the new ones can leak easily and cause retinal detachment, loss of vision, and blindness.
Diabetic retinopathy can worsen during pregnancy during a high blood pressure episode and Tobacco use. Therefore, glucose in blood greater than 130 mg/dl puts your vision at risk.
¿What treatment exists for diabetic retinopathy?
Proper glucose control is the first step in the treatment.
¿What are the symptoms?
You may have diabetic retinopathy without knowing it. There is usually no pain or external signs. If diabetic retinopathy progresses without treatment, it can significantly and rapidly decrease your vision and lead to blindness in a short period. Only your ophthalmologist is trained to determine by ophthalmologic examination if you have this disease.
¿How can I control diabetes?
It is the treatment that helps stop hemorrhages in the retina, allowing the disease not to advance.
The laser does not improve the damage already caused, but without it, the person becomes blind.
New injection drugs applied in the vitreous help dramatically in the treatment.
A treatment indicated in the case of a more damaged retina with bleeding and internal leakage, or retinal detachment caused by diabetic retinopathy.
It helps to reattach the retina and remove blood that may be in the back of the eye.