
¿What is a cataract?

It is the opacity of the crystalline. It makes the function of a lens inside the eye, it is usually transparent, and in case of having a cataract, it becomes opaque, causing the vision to become cloudy progressively.

¿What causes cataract formation?

The most common cause is the natural aging of the eye. Other causes are diabetes, injuries (direct hit) to the eye, medications such as steroids, long-term exposure to sun rays without eye protection, previous eye surgery, and in some cases, it may be congenital.

¿What are the most common symptoms?

  • Reduced night vision
  • Blurred vision with the absence of pain
  • Colors are seen in yellowish tones
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Frequent changes in lens graduation

¿How is a cataract detected?

An examination by your ophthalmologist will detect the presence of a cataract. In the case of infants it is suspected when a “white pupil” is seen.

¿How fast do cataracts develop?

There is not a specific period of growth, and it also depends on the person. It can take several years; However, when developed by trauma it can take weeks. There is no way to prevent the formation of cataracts.

Types of Surgeries for Cataract Extraction


A small incision made where the cataract is removed, and with the help of an ultrasound device, a foldable intraocular lens is placed. This wound, in most cases, does not need a stitch and is quick to recover.


A larger incision made through which the cataract is removed, and an intraocular lens is placed.

01 FAQ

¿What is the treatment to remove the cataract?

Extracting the cataract through surgery is the only treatment.

02 FAQ

¿What is the ideal treatment for surgery?

When vision diminishes and interferes with your daily activities, you and your ophthalmologist will decide when it is the best time to remove the cataract.

03 FAQ

¿What effects does the surgery have?

A satisfactory visual recovery is achieved in most patients. The percentage of complications during and after surgery are very low unless a problem arises with the retina or the optic nerve.


¿What is LASIK?

With the arrival of the laser beam, refractive surgery (LASIK) begins a new era in eye surgery for the correction of refractive errors, which are:

  • Myopia
  • Hyperopia
  • Astigmatism

Laser vision correction gives most patients the freedom to enjoy their daily activities without the dependence on corrective lenses.

01 Myopia

It is commonly known as "nearsightedness," it means that people see well from up close, but not so well far away. Myopia occurs when the eye is longer than normal, and the image is focused in front of the retina. LASIK shapes the cornea, flattening the central part of it, thus reducing the total refractive power of the eye.

02 Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

In this defect, the main problem is the near blurred vision; most patients have good distant vision unless their prescription is very high. In farsightedness, the eye is shorter, and the image is focused behind the retina. LASIK shapes the cornea creating a more pronounced curvature of the center of it.

03 Astigmatism

It is the most common refractive error. These are people who see a shadow or ghost around the image. It occurs when there are two different curvatures on the corneal surface which causes two focus points. Small degrees of astigmatism do not affect vision significantly. Astigmatism can occur alone, or be accompanied by myopia or hyperopia.

¿Am I a candidate for LASIK?

To be a candidate, you need to:

  • Be older than 18 years with refractive errors.
  • Be in good general health, including your eyes.

An appointment with your ophthalmologist is necessary. A thorough examination must be done to determine the refractive error accurately and to perform more exams to decide if you qualify for LASIK surgery.


It is important to know that complications are minimal, less than 1%, with a quick visual recovery expected. The risk of infection is higher in the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure; fortunately, with medical treatment, the risk is minimum.


The procedure is quick and uncomplicated. It requires topical anesthesia (drops), which are administered while the patient is lying down. The patient is then asked to look at a light. Only a few minutes are needed for the laser to correct myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism. This surgery does not need hospitalization, and after the procedure, the patient leaves walking.


Laser vision correction gives most patients the freedom to enjoy their daily activities without the dependence on prescription lenses.


The purpose of the laser correction is to obtain, as safely as possible, the best visual result. The laser does not always result in a perfect 20/20 vision, but the vast majority of patients do not need glasses to drive, play sports, watch television, etc. Laser surgery may not eliminate the need for glasses, but it can dramatically reduce dependence on them.